71local — ● adj. ● 1. ►TYPE Caractérise la portée d une variable, ici elle n est disponible que dans une partie du programme. ● 2. ►NET ordinateur sur lequel on travaille, par opposition avec un ordinateur distant. ● 3. ►NET Un réseau est dit local quand… …
72local — I Inglish (Indian English) Dictionary suburban train (in Mumbai) II Irish Slang the local the nearest pub …
73local — On a computer that is running a BBS, there are 1 or more phone lines connected to it. However, the SysOp can usually use the BBS, too, from the keyboard. This is considered a local connection …
74local — British an inn Shortened form for local pub etc. A man does not use the word to describe his village post office or other common amenity in the vicinity …
75local — vietinis statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Susijęs su tam tikra vieta. Apibūdina objektą, kurio veikimas arba naudojimas ribojamas tam tikra teritorija arba sritimi. pavyzdys( iai) vietinis abonentas, vietinis naudotojas, vietinis serveris …
76local — adj. lokalo, a, e (Albanais, Villards Thônes.028). A1) n., local, lieu, partie d un bâtiment : lokalo nm. (001,028), sâla <salle> (001) …
77local — 1. Nearest public house. 2. Local resident …
78local — see think global, act local …
79Local government — refers collectively to administrative authorities over areas that are smaller than a state.[citation needed] The term is used to contrast with offices at nation state level, which are referred to as the central government, national government, or …
80Local search (Internet) — Local search is the use of specialized Internet search engines that allow users to submit geographically constrained searches against a structured database of local business listings. Typical local search queries include not only information… …